The Honest Flow

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Complete a short questionnaire about your property, allowing our verified agents to pinpoint your insurance needs.

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HonestFlow shoppers have access to our unbiased resources, including our "Questions To Consider" guide!

3. Get Your Quotes

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Why Shop with HonestFlow?

At HonestFlow, we believe that selecting the best insurance policy goes beyond finding the lowest premium; it’s about getting the right coverage for the best rate, and understanding what your policy actually covers. Shopping for insurance can be challenging, here's how we're making it better:

Verified Agents

HonestFlow partners with verified agents who are dedicated to evaluating your insurance needs and providing tailored insurance quotes!

Custom Preferences

HonestFlow shoppers have more control over their shopping experience. Shoppers decide how many agents to receive quotes from.

Shopping Tools

After requesting quotes, HonestFlow shoppers receive our "Questions To Consider" guide to help navigate conversations with their agents!

Why Shop with HonestFlow?

At HonestFlow, we believe that selecting the best insurance policy goes beyond finding the lowest premium; it’s about getting the right coverage for the best rate, and understanding what your policy actually covers. Shopping for insurance can be challenging, here's how we're making it better:

Verified Agents

HonestFlow partners with verified agents who are dedicated to evaluating your insurance needs and providing tailored insurance quotes!

Custom Preferences

HonestFlow shoppers have more control over their shopping experience. Shoppers decide how many agents to receive quotes from.

Shopping Tools

After requesting quotes, HonestFlow shoppers receive our "Questions To Consider" guide to help navigate conversations with their agents!

Shop with HonestFlow

Your Preferences. Verified Agents. Shopping Tools.

Shoppers We've Helped

Supporting New & Current Homeowners

New Homeowners

HonestFlow helps new homeowners find home insurance that's right for them. By working with our agents, find policies that satisfy lender requirements and meet your coverage and financial goals.

Custom Policies: Find coverage that meets lender requirements and is tailored to your needs.

Confident Coverage: Ask questions to understand what your policy actually covers.

Compare Quotes: Select a policy that meets your insurance needs at the best rate!

Current Homeowners

Shopping at renewal is simple and effective with HonestFlow. Compare rates, ensure your policy accounts for market changes, and find coverage options that may suit you better.

Market Changes: The cost to rebuild your home can change, review your coverage at renewal.

Value & Improvements: Explore coverage options for changes to your possessions and home.

Compare Quotes: Did your rate go up? Request quotes to find affordable coverage options.

Reviews From Shoppers

Real People. Honest Reviews.

"After a rate hike, I used HonestFlow to shop around. I got quotes from helpful agents and found a cheaper policy. HonestFlow is a fantastic resource!"

"Switching my homeowners insurance was simple with HonestFlow. I received quotes from knowledgeable agents and got better insurance. Really liked having control over how many agents reached out. Great service!"

"HonestFlow connected me with knowledgeable agents and made the process simple. The control over how many agents contacted me was a big plus. Smooth and informative experience!"

Home Insurance 101

Home Insurance Key Terms and Coverages

Key Terms


In simple terms, a home insurance "Premium" is the amount you pay to maintain active coverage under your home insurance policy. Premiums are derived from risk; higher risks translate to higher premiums.

Learn more: Premiums


A "Deductible" is the amount you pay out-of-pocket before your insurance policy begins to cover the cost of a claim. Deductibles are fundamental to your insurance policy because they directly affect your premiums and financial responsibility in case of a claim. 

Learn more: Deductibles


A "Peril" refers to specific risks or events your policy covers, such as fire, theft, or natural disasters. Understanding covered perils helps policyholders discern what is included and excluded from their coverage.

Learn more: Perils


The term "insured" includes individuals, groups, or entities protected against financial losses under an insurance policy. In home insurance, the named-insured is typically the homeowner, however coverage can extend to other members of the household.

Learn more: Insured


Understanding coverage limits is a fundamental aspect of your policy, as it dictates the maximum amount your insurance company will pay for a covered claim. 

Learn more: Coverage Limits


An endorsement in home insurance, also referred to as a 'rider' or 'add-on,' is a modification or addition to your standard home insurance policy. Endorsements enable customization of your coverage to better align with your specific insurance needs.

Learn more: Endorsements

Replacement Cost

Replacement Cost refers to the amount of money it would take to replace or rebuild your property with materials of similar kind and quality, without deducting for depreciation.

Learn more: Replacement Cost

Actual Cash Value

Actual Cash Value (ACV) is calculated by taking the replacement cost of the property and subtracting depreciation – the decrease in value due to age, wear and tear, and other factors.

Learn more: Actual Cash Value

Primary Coverages

Coverage A - Dwelling

Coverage A, also known as "Dwelling Coverage," is generally designed to provide financial safeguarding for the main structure of your home against a range of covered perils.

Learn more: Dwelling (Coverage A)

Coverage B - Other Structures

Coverage B, commonly known as 'Other Structures' coverage, is designed to safeguard structures detached from the main structure, such as detached garages or sheds, against damage from covered perils.

Learn more: Other Structures (Coverage B)

Coverage C - Personal Property

Coverage C of the home insurance policy, also referred to as “Personal Property Coverage”, provides financial protection for the belongings of the insured.

Learn more: Personal Property (Coverage C)

Coverage D - Loss of Use

Coverage D, also known as "Loss of Use" coverage, provides financial assistance for extra living expenses if your home becomes uninhabitable due to a covered loss.

Learn more - Loss of Use (Coverage D)

Coverage E - Personal Liability

Coverage E, also known as Personal Liability Coverage, provides protection against legal liability for bodily injury or property damage that you or members of your household may inadvertently cause to others.

Learn more - Personal Liability (Coverage E)

Coverage F - Medical Payments

Coverage F, also known as Medical Payments Coverage, is designed to cover medical expenses for guests who sustain injuries while on your property, regardless of who is at fault.

Learn more - Medical Payments (Coverage F)

Key Endorsements

Dwelling Endorsements

Don't be on the hook for expensive repair costs. These endorsements extend coverage for the dwelling (the home's structure), and can provide cost-savings and peace of mind.

Learn more: Dwelling Endorsements

Ordinance & Law

This coverage is crucial for bridging the financial gap when mandatory upgrades are required to comply with building codes, potentially saving homeowners substantial amounts of money.

Learn more: Ordinance & Law

Personal Property Replacement Cost

Personal property coverage may have coverage gaps, which can put policyholders at risk of paying for damages out-of-pocket. This blog will discuss one of these potential gaps, particularly the absence of replacement cost coverage for personal property.

Learn more: Personal Property Replacement Cost

Scheduled Personal Property

A home insurance policy's Personal Property coverage (Coverage C) typically limits coverage for high-value items. The scheduled personal property endorsement, also known as personal property "riders," extends coverage limits for these high-value items.

Learn more: Scheduled Personal Property

Water Backup & Sump Pump Overflow

Home insurance policies may have coverage gaps leaving policyholders at risk for paying expensive repairs out-of-pocket. This endorsement addresses a specific type of water damage commonly excluded from home insurance policies, and how it can benefit certain homeowners.

Learn more: Water Backup & Sump Pump Overflow

Service Lines

Home insurance policies may have coverage gaps that leave policyholders at risk of paying for expensive repairs out-of-pocket. This endorsement covers the costs of repairing or replacing damaged utility lines, which are typically excluded from standard home insurance policies.

Learn more: Service Lines

Excluded Perils

Many homeowners are surprised to discover that home insurance policies often exclude damage from certain natural disasters. Even worse, they may find out too late, leaving them on the hook to pay for significant repair costs out-of-pocket. This blog highlights commonly excluded natural disasters and options to cover them.

Learn more: Excluded Perils

Home Insurance FAQ's

Your Questions - Honest Answers

What factors influence the home insurance premium?

Understanding the various factors that influence your home insurance premium is crucial for making informed decisions about your coverage. At HonestFlow, we identify four key areas that affect home insurance premiums: personal risk, property risk, policy details, and external factors.

Learn More: Understanding Home Insurance Premiums

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What is the Replacement Cost Estimate (RCE)?

Understanding the replacement cost estimate (RCE) is crucial in home insurance, particularly when selecting Coverage A limits, which protects the main structure of your home. The market value of a property is not the RCE, and this common assumption can lead to inadequate coverage. Learn how to find the RCE, and other things to consider when evaluating this crucial number.

Learn More: What is the Replacement Cost Estimate (RCE)?

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How to save money on home insurance?

With home insurance rates rising across the United States, homeowners are looking for ways to reduce their insurance costs. In this blog, HonestFlow highlights three key areas to help lower home insurance expenses: preventing expenses, avoiding over-insuring, and effectively comparing quotes.

Learn More: How To Save Money on Home Insurance?

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When can I switch to a new insurance policy?

When it comes to home insurance, many homeowners operate under the assumption that it's best to wait until the renewal period to make any changes to their policy. However, this common misconception could be costing you more than you realize, both in coverage and savings.

Learn More: Switching Insurance Policies

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What are the benefits of insurance shopping?

Each insurance company offers unique coverage limits, discounts, and rates, which makes insurance shopping essential for finding optimal home insurance at the best rate. This blog highlights the benefits of shopping for home insurance and how HonestFlow is helping shoppers find their best policy options.

Learn More: Benefits of Insurance Shopping

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How to maximize home insurance discounts?

Each home insurance company offers unique discounts, and you may qualify for more with one company than another. Learn about common home insurance discounts and how to uncover potential savings.

Learn More: Home Insurance Discounts

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What else does my home insurance policy cover?

Homeowners often overlook the additional benefits included in a comprehensive home insurance policy. Here are three common coverages that extend beyond protecting the home itself.

Learn More: 3 Additional Things Home Insurance Covers

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Are my pets covered in my home insurance coverage?

Have you ever wondered about the consequences of pet damage? As a homeowner, it can be beneficial to understand the various aspects of your home insurance policy, especially if you're a pet owner.

Learn More: Animal Liability Coverage

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Why are some home insurance claims denied?

Repair costs for excluded perils or damages that exceed policy limits are typically the responsibility of the policyholder, potentially leading to significant financial hardship. Explore common reasons why insurance claim settlements might be lower than expected or not paid out at all.

Learn More: Claim Considerations

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Empowering insurance shoppers.

HonestFlow connects insurance shoppers with verified agents offering insurance services from various insurance companies across the United States. HonestFlow is not an insurance company, agency, agent, or broker and does not offer insurance or brokerage services or advice. All content is for informational purposes and personal use only. Consult a licensed insurance agent before purchasing or adjusting any policy. HonestFlow is not responsible for interactions or transactions between users and third-party insurance providers. All trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners.

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