Home Insurance Savings

How To Save Money on Home Insurance

July 23, 20248 min read

Disclaimer: The content on our blog is intended for general informational and educational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for professional advice. Insurance needs vary widely, and because insurance companies and policies differ, readers should consult with their insurance agent for personalized guidance. While we strive for accuracy and regularly update our content, we cannot guarantee its completeness or timeliness. HonestFlow is not responsible for any actions taken on insurance policies based on the information provided on our blog.

Saving Money on Home Insurance

Save Money on Home Insurance

As home insurance rates continue to rise, many homeowners are looking for effective strategies to lower their premiums. Although the reasons for premium increases can vary and are often beyond the policyholder's control, there are actionable steps you can take to reduce home insurance costs. In this blog, we’ll explore five methods to save money on home insurance, moving beyond the usual advice of raising deductibles, asking for discounts, and installing protective devices. At HonestFlow, we believe that selecting the best insurance policy goes beyond finding the lowest premium; it's about getting the right coverage for the best rate, and understanding what your policy actually covers. Remember, while this blog is created by the home insurance professionals at HonestFlow, we recommend consulting with your dedicated insurance agent before purchasing or making any changes to your policy.

1️⃣ Prevent Expenses

Prevent Home Insurance Expenses

When thinking about saving money on home insurance, many policyholders believe the only way to save is by reducing the insurance premium. While reducing the annual premium can lower your upfront costs, you should also consider potential expenses beyond the premium. Home insurance offers extensive coverage, but unnoticed gaps could leave the policyholder at risk of paying damages out of pocket. As a policyholder, you are responsible for any damages outside your policy's scope and any repair costs exceeding the policy's limits. These repair costs can be substantial, and homeowners with inadequate coverage could face significant expenses.

By understanding your policy and setting appropriate coverage limits, homeowners can reduce the risk of having to pay repair costs out of pocket. HonestFlow connects insurance shoppers with verified insurance agents who can help identify suitable coverage options. Additionally, HonestFlow shoppers receive our "Questions to Consider" guide, which includes essential questions to ask agents to help understand their coverage options. Insurance is complex; don’t navigate it alone. HonestFlow connects home insurance shoppers with verified agents who can assist in finding a policy that suits your needs.

2️⃣ Setting Appropriate Limits

Optimal Home Insurance Coverage Limits

One method to save money is to set appropriate coverage limits. Setting optimal coverage limits can provide enough coverage to protect your property while only paying for what you need. However, this is easier said than done. Home insurance policies consist of dozens of coverage options, and finding which coverages to add and the extent of coverage each should offer can feel like a maze. At HonestFlow, we recommend working with dedicated insurance agents who can evaluate your insurance needs, identify which coverages are most beneficial for you, and determine the extent of protection each coverage should provide. Once you have a general understanding of how much coverage you need, insurance shoppers can benefit from getting quotes from multiple insurance companies.

Each insurance company offers its own coverage limits, and one may offer coverage limits better suited to your needs than others. Finding coverage limits available with multiple carriers can be beneficial for policyholders who may not need as much coverage as other insurance companies require. For example, many home insurance companies may have a minimum personal property coverage limit, which can range from 50% of the dwelling coverage limit or more. For policyholders who don’t need this much personal property coverage, they may benefit from insurance companies that allow lower personal property coverage limits, which can reduce their overall insurance premium. HonestFlow does not recommend reducing coverage; this example illustrates how insurance companies may offer favorable coverage options for certain insurance shoppers. 

3️⃣ Evaluate Deductibles

Evaluating Home Insurance Deductibles

Most home insurance claims require a deductible payment, which is the amount the policyholder pays out of pocket before the insurance company covers the rest. Generally, higher deductibles result in lower premiums because deductibles and premiums have an inverse relationship. Opting for a higher deductible means taking on more financial responsibility if a claim occurs, which can lower overall insurance costs. Conversely, selecting a lower deductible reduces your financial responsibility at claim time but usually increases the premium.

Shopping for quotes allows you to find various deductible options and their associated premiums from different home insurance companies. You may find a more favorable deductible at another company. While some sources suggest raising deductibles to reduce premiums, this may not be best for everyone and could result in higher costs in the long run. It’s crucial to select deductibles you can afford. If you can’t pay the deductible, the insurance company may not cover your claim. Also, consider the financial impact of filing a claim. Selecting a higher deductible could result in paying more in overall insurance costs compared to selecting a lower deductible. To illustrate this, imagine two scenarios with different deductibles and the total insurance cost at the time of a claim:

Scenario 1: Annual Premium + Higher Deductible = Total Cost at Claim

Scenario 2: Annual Premium + Lower Deductible = Total Cost at Claim

While higher deductibles usually mean lower premiums, the total insurance cost at claim (deductible + premiums) could end up being higher, depending on when a claim is filed. Since it’s impossible to predict when you'll need to file a claim, estimating which deductible option will result in lower overall insurance costs can be difficult. It's essential to choose a policy that fits your needs and to understand your insurance options. Raising deductibles isn't a one-size-fits-all solution for reducing costs. If you're uncertain about your deductible options or want to explore different choices, HonestFlow connects insurance shoppers with verified agents who can help identify available deductible options.

4️⃣ Leverage Endorsements

Leveraging Home Insurance Endorsements

Referencing the earlier section about cost savings through preventing out-of-pocket expenses, endorsements are vital to closing coverage gaps in a home insurance policy. Although a home insurance policy may appear to offer comprehensive coverage, it likely does not cover everything. In some cases, damage from specific named perils can be excluded, and an endorsement may be needed to provide coverage for this specific risk. For example, damage to service lines connected to your home and additional repair costs to meet building code compliance may not be covered under a standard home insurance policy. Additionally, the cost of replacing your home can increase, which may result in having a policy that does not have adequate coverage to fully replace your home. Endorsements can bridge these coverage gaps and mitigate the risk of paying expenses out of pocket. Each insurance company offers its own endorsements, and HonestFlow recommends working with a dedicated insurance agent to evaluate which endorsements are best for your needs.

In some cases, endorsements may be more cost-effective than raising coverage limits on their own. For example, many home insurance companies offer endorsements to extend the dwelling coverage of a home insurance policy. This is important to consider, as the cost to replace your home can fluctuate due to reasons like inflation. If the cost to rebuild your home exceeds the policy limits, you may face significant expenses for repair costs above the policy limits. Dwelling endorsements can increase, or in some cases, guarantee coverage for a total rebuild if your home is completely destroyed. Leveraging these endorsements may be more cost-effective than raising the dwelling limit by itself. Our "Dwelling Endorsements" blog highlights these endorsements in more detail. Overall, endorsements can close coverage gaps that help prevent out-of-pocket repair costs, and they may be a cost-effective method to increase coverage limits.

5️⃣ Find Your Options

Shopping for Home Insurance

Throughout this blog, we've discussed how insurance carriers offer their own coverage limits, deductibles, and endorsements. These are several examples of how insurance companies can differentiate from each other and why shoppers should take advantage of shopping for home insurance quotes. By evaluating coverage needs and comparing options from various insurance carriers, shoppers can find a policy that provides adequate coverage without overpaying. Limiting your insurance options to one carrier restricts you to their specific coverage limits, deductibles, endorsements, and rates.

Additionally, it's worth considering the quality of the insurance carrier itself. Although this does not translate to lower premiums, some policyholders may prefer paying more for insurance with a company they trust. For example, insurance companies have different financial strength scores, which evaluate an insurance carrier's ability to pay large losses. Policyholders may also consider the claims process and customer service provided by insurance carriers. Shopping for quotes enables insurance shoppers to explore policy options that best suit their insurance needs, including selecting an insurance company they have confidence in.

Solutions with HonestFlow

At HonestFlow, we’re taking an honest approach to home insurance shopping. We believe insurance shoppers should be aware of their coverage options and should work with dedicated agents to navigate their best policy choices. Working with agents has several benefits, including assessing your insurance needs and recommending coverage limits and endorsements available through their carriers. Insurance is often criticized for its opacity; however, we want to make it more transparent. HonestFlow explains why quote questions are asked and lets shoppers choose how many agents they want to receive quotes from. Furthermore, HonestFlow shoppers receive our shopping tools after completing their quote request. Our "Questions to Consider" guide, provided to home insurance shoppers, includes helpful questions for navigating coverage options with their insurance agents. If you're in the market for home insurance or want to explore other home insurance solutions, request home insurance quotes with HonestFlow!

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HonestFlow connects insurance shoppers with verified insurance agents who provide tailored quotes and expert advice, helping shoppers find coverage that fits their unique needs. With our focus on transparency, efficiency, and user-friendly tools, HonestFlow is here to provide a better insurance shopping experience.


HonestFlow connects insurance shoppers with verified insurance agents who provide tailored quotes and expert advice, helping shoppers find coverage that fits their unique needs. With our focus on transparency, efficiency, and user-friendly tools, HonestFlow is here to provide a better insurance shopping experience.

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