Who is "Insured" in Home Insurance?

Understanding "Insured" in Home Insurance

July 22, 20245 min read

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Understanding "Insured" in Home Insurance

"Insured" in Home Insurance

Understanding your home insurance policy is crucial to help ensure that you and your loved ones are protected from potential losses. One key term to understand is "insured." This blog explains who is typically covered by a home insurance policy, who might need additional coverage, and how to evaluate if your policy is properly structured.

What is an "Insured"?

In simple terms, "insured" refers to any individual or entity protected by an insurance policy. In the context of home insurance, this usually refers to any person with a legal or financial interest in the home.

Insured vs. Insurer

Homeowners may confuse "insured" with "insurer". The insured refers to the person or entity covered by the insurance policy, such as the policyholder. The insurer, on the other hand, is the insurance company providing that insurance coverage. The insurer assesses risks, sets premiums, and pays out claims as agreed upon in the policy.

The Named Insured

Named Insured - Home Insurance

Central to each home insurance policy is the "named insured," usually the homeowner whose name appears on the property deed and the insurance policy's declaration page. The named insured usually has the authority to modify, cancel, and submit claims under the home insurance policy.

Who Else is Typically Covered?

Knowing who is covered under your home insurance policy is crucial for ensuring that all eligible parties receive necessary protection. Coverage generally extends beyond just the named insured listed on the policy. Here are some examples of how the policy can include others:

  • Household Members: Coverage typically includes those related to the named insured by blood, marriage, or adoption, or those under the care of the named insured.

  • Children at College: Home insurance policies often cover children who are enrolled full-time in college and are under the age of 24, which can help protect against losses of personal property and liability.

While household members and children at college often enjoy certain protections under your home insurance policy, it's important to note that their coverage may not be as extensive as that provided to the named insured. To help ensure clarity and adequacy of coverage for all included parties, HonestFlow encourages you to consult with your insurance agent about the specifics of who is covered and to what extent under your policy.

Who is Not Typically Covered?

Understanding who is not covered under your standard home insurance policy is just as important as knowing who is. Usually, non-relatives like roommates, unmarried partners, and long-term guests aren't automatically considered insured. This exclusion also applies to the following individuals:

  • Roommates or Unrelated Adults Living in the Home: Unless added explicitly through an "Additional Insured" endorsement, these individuals aren't typically covered under the policy's default terms.

  • Adult Children Not Enrolled in College or Over Age 24: Dependent children attending college may be included under the home insurance policy. However, adult children residing at home who do not meet this criteria may not be covered.

  • Tenants: If you rent out a portion of your property, tenants are usually excluded from the policy. Tenants acquire coverage for their personal property through a separate renters insurance policy.

Additional Insureds

Additional Insureds - Home Insurance

Adding an "Additional Insured" endorsement can be essential for partners or roommates who are not covered by default. This endorsement protects these individuals, although the authority to modify or cancel the policy typically stays with the named insured. Consult with your insurance agent to understand who is not included under your standard policy and explore options for their coverage. Additionally, verify the scope of protection provided to additional insureds to ensure you understand any limitations.

Additional Interests

Home insurance policies also recognize other parties who may have a financial stake in the property. These parties are often listed as "additional interests" on your policy. Including additional interests can help ensure transparency and maintain clear communication about the policy's status, especially if changes occur.

  • Mortgage Lenders: One of the most common additional interests are mortgage lenders. They have a financial interest in your property, and being listed helps keep them informed of any lapses or cancellations in coverage, which helps protect their investment.

  • Co-owners Not Residing in the Property: If a property is co-owned but not all owners reside there, those who live elsewhere can be listed as additional interests. This keeps them updated on the insurance status.

  • Investors: Stakeholders are often listed as additional interests for properties with investment partners. This inclusion helps keep them informed about the property's insurance coverage.

  • Family Trusts: When a property is held in a trust, the trustee is typically listed as an additional interest. This helps them receive all pertinent information about the insurance policy.

Solutions with HonestFlow 

If you need clarification about who should be included in your home insurance policy or have any questions regarding insurance matters, connect with our verified insurance agents! HonestFlow offers a transparent and efficient quoting process that connects insurance shoppers with verified insurance agents, who understand the importance of listing insureds and insurable interests. With HonestFlow, shoppers choose how many agents to compare quotes from, providing a personalized and controlled shopping experience. Additionally, HonestFlow shoppers receive our exclusive shopping tools, including our "Questions To Consider" guide, after completing their quote request! If you're in the market for home insurance or would like to connect with our verified agents, request home insurance quotes with HonestFlow!

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HonestFlow connects insurance shoppers with verified insurance agents who provide tailored quotes and expert advice, helping shoppers find coverage that fits their unique needs. With our focus on transparency, efficiency, and user-friendly tools, HonestFlow is here to provide a better insurance shopping experience.


HonestFlow connects insurance shoppers with verified insurance agents who provide tailored quotes and expert advice, helping shoppers find coverage that fits their unique needs. With our focus on transparency, efficiency, and user-friendly tools, HonestFlow is here to provide a better insurance shopping experience.

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